Bazel Rules

How to write a simile gen rule in Bazel

Building with Bazel, Episode 8: Understanding Rules

November 2022: Writing Bazel Rules (Jay Conrod)

Creating Custom rules in Bazel

April 2022: Bazel Custom Rules Workshop (Ulf Adams)

Easy Build with Bazel - EP1 - Rules & Targets

A step by step bazel beginner guide

Getting started with Bazel - typescript & java rules

Understanding Bazel Build Rules: Why Aren't All Files Generated?

Windows : Bazel environment variables in build rules

Understanding the Difference Between http_file and http_archive Bazel Rules

Building Hermetic Python Packages with Bazel @ Dropbox - Leonid Vasilyev

How To Make Your Builds And Test Extremely Fast With Bazel

What's Bazel? Why should you care?

Managing external dependencies with Bzlmod - Xudong Yang

Let's read the Bazel rules_python source code

Kwaka Pyera (Remix) - Brazen Rule & Eddy Wizzy official Stage Music Video

Using Protobuf in Bazel Projects

Why you need a build system, and why it should be Bazel | Martin Probst | AngularConnect 2018

Day 2 Talk 7 Andrew Psaltis Simplified package creation in Bazel

Bazel & Docker Tutorial: Building container images with bazel (local & remote registry)

How to harness Bazel to build fast & correctly | N'tech

Migrating away from rules_docker to rules_oci

Building Scala with Bazel - Natan Silnitsky